My favorite quote

"I just wanted to tell you that your kids are the ONLY reason I will have kids when I'm older..."
Helen. 7/24/09

Words to live by

If it is to be, it is up to me.

Mothers, don't let your babies suck on your cell phones

Last Sunday I turned around to find Wyatt happily sucking on my cell phone. I quickly snatched my phone away from Wy Guy, who promptly threw a fit. I saw that my phone was stuck in a hot synch so I tried to reboot. No luck. I decided to pull out the battery and do a hard boot. When I pulled off the back of the phone I saw the battery swimming in a sea of saliva. Yum. I cleaned everything off and put the phone back together to no avail. My poor phone was still stuck in a hot synch cycle. John and I decided to take it apart again and let it air out overnight.

The next morning my poor phone was dead, dead, dead. So at 9:00 a.m., the boys and I walked into the sprint store. The nice young man behind the counter explained to me that if I ran over my phone, they could replace it in the store, but since the problem was water damage I would have to call an 800 number and have a phone mailed to me, which would take "a few days." I said "I don't mean this snotty, but I am not a soccer mom and I CANNOT be without my phone for 'a few days." He thought I was overreacting but he was going to see what he could do to help me out "in store" anyway. Then he says he can't help me at all because I don't have insurance on my phone. We began to argue over whether or not I had insuracne. I got so upset I was on the verge of tears. I asked him to give me my phone so I could leave as I had to get Wy to his 15 month check up. The nice young man didn't want me to leave upset. He called over a manager who told me to leave my phone, go to my appointment and come back. He would work on the phone, investigate the insurance and if indeed he couldn't find insurance he would get it activated and my phone would be covered for the saliva problem.

The boys and I head off to Wy's appointment where we learned he is still underweight (something I cannot believe as he NEVER STOPS EATING) though he has moved from the bottom 12% to the bottom 15% of children his age. Two shots and a lot of crying later we head back to the sprint store where Mama meets us in case we have any other troubles with the fellas at the sprint store. Unfortunately there was no help for my old phone. He issued me a new phone, but I would have to build my contacts, calendar and everything else from scratch. As awful as this is, it is better than no phone at all. Mom decided to take the boys outside to look at the fountains in the courtyard as I wrapped everything up with the nice youg man and his manager.

30 seconds later (at 12:15) I am heading out the doors to catch up with ma and the boys. Of course I'm hauling the bags, purse, stroller, new phone and wrestling my way through the door. I stepped through the 75 pound door and watched in horror as Wyatt made one step after another toward the fountain at the east end of the courtyard. This enticing fountain was not raised up from the street and after a few feet it turned from a fountain to a waterfall with about a 15 foot drop over large rocks.

Step, step, step, gone. Wy disappeared into a bricked section of water that is about 18" long by 9" wide and all that was visible of him were fingerips and a tiny brown tennis shoe. The next thing I know, I have him by the wrist and he is screeching and clawing at me.

We are standing in a large courtyard at lunchtime with a dripping wet SCREAMING baby and believe it or not, not one single person came to help us. We head inside to get Wy into dry clothes and no one helped us open doors, no one asked if we were ok. One man even looked me in the eye as he passed us, talking on his cel phone as we struggled to get through a set of double doors with children, bags and stroller. I was shocked.

Fortunately, Wy was/is ok. It seemed to me that once he was in dry clothes, he was over the whole thing. I still reel every time I think about it. The moral of my story? I think I gave it away at the beginning: don't let Wyatt suck on your cell phone.

Sadly, no pics this week. I promise some goods ones next week. We love you all. Until next week, God bless and keep you!
love, a, j, j & little wy guy.