Our cat Libby has a unique bond with Wyatt. He is the only one of the kids that she will hang out with. She sits with him. She lets him pet her. She lets him hug her(sometimes). She snuggles him up at nap time. She even sleeps in his bed. He calls her "my special cat".
We are very slowly working on potty training Wyatt. We aren't making much progress, but oh well. I promise not to inundate you with so many bathroom stories this time around. However, I will share with you that Wy is obsessed with "two drops". Anytime I ask him if he has to go to the potty, he says "Yes, I has to make two drops" then he sits on the potty forever. Or he answers me with "No, I just made two drops" and runs off. He is though, starting to let us know when he needs clean pants - so that is a step in the right direction.
When I am cross, Wy likes to tell me that I should go to a dance with him. He tells me that daddy should come too and gammy and poppie.
Someone gave all the kids stuffed animals for Christmas. Jack's is a white dog with a silver lightning bolt stitched into his side. The tag on his collar reads "Bolt". Jack loves this thing. He sleeps with his arms wrapped around its neck. Jack's bed is near a window in his room. I have found the curtain pulled back and the little dog propped up so he can look out the window while the kids are elsewhere in the house playing.
Most of the kids all had the opportunity to see Little House on the Prairie a few times each. After their initial viewing I allowed Jackc, Connie and Abby to take turns coming to the theatre with me for a day or two. There was a lot of music in the show and the kids saw it enough that they all run around the house singing songs from the show. This is normally fine by me but I'm right tired of hearing Old Dan Tucker. This "of courser" is their FAVORITE song in the entire world. When one of them starts in on it, all the rest of them join in.
My Aunt Johanna tells me that kids don't understand sarchasm. She is right. Sometimes though, I find it hilarious that the kids don't get it. My favorite example of this is a conversation I have started to have repeatedly with Jack and Wy. It goes something like this -
Mommy, do you know what?
No, I never met him.
I said, I never met him.
Oh. Do you know what?
No. I never met him.
Don't say that, Mommy.
Um, Mommy, do you know what?
No, I never met him.
Mommy, I want you to say something else.
Ok, 'something else.
By this time I am hysterical.
I want my Aunt Johanna to know that the 6 year old is beginning to get it. At dinner the other night, Connie asked John where his parents live. John said he dad lives in Chicago but his mom died a few years ago. Connie looked down at her plate. She looked up again and asked "Did she swallow a horse?" (This of course comes from the book - I Know an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Fly. Throughout the book, the old woman swallows various animals until the end "I know an old lady who swallowed a horse. She's dead of course.") I was horrified by this question and was on the verge of telling Connie that what she had said was rude. Then John started to giggle. I looked up at Connie who had the goofiest grin on her face. She knew she was asking a silly question.
Jack, Devlyn & Wy run around calling out OH-BAMA! It sounds like a 4 year old political rally, but I think Wy simply overheard and mis-repeated Emeril's "Bam!"
OK - I can't upload any pictures right now because my dongle is broken...
But, because I'm way behind on getting things posted, I will post now and add pictures later.
That's it for this one.
Love, from Owenland Park.
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