Jack is fond of playing "car". I often find the kids setting up chairs and telling long involved tales of where they are going to or coming from. Jack describes in detail how he starts the car: "I has to push a green button, then put on my glasses and open the garage door. Ven we drive off." He makes wild driving motions that indicate he has just ripped the steering wheel off the column and out the window or through his head. The part I find odd though, is that he drives from the front passenger seat.
The other week, Jack came upstairs to tell me I needed to go look at what Wyatt did. Wy had gotten ahold of a dry erase marker and colored all over the sofa slip cover, the wall and the floor. There is no saving the slip cover and the wall has to be painted over. I gave Wy a magic eraser and made him clean up the floor and chair that he scribbled on. He scrubbed and chanted "I won't do it again, mommy. I won't do it again?" I said Thank you and told him he still had to clean it up.
Wy has been sleeping without his passer for a little over a week now. The first night wasn't as hard as I thought it was going to be. They boys and I laid down in my bed and I let Wy hold his pacifier. He carressed it against his cheek. He rolled over to put his face in the pillow so he could sneak the passer into his mouth. He cried 'I just want to hold it in my mouf'. He was restless and it took forever for him to fall asleep but he eventually drifted off. Then John came to bed, moved Wy into his own bed and all holy hell broke loose. Wy had not been asleep for very long and was so sleepy that he didn't even know what he was upset about. He sat up, half asleep on the edge of his bed and wailed until I came in and rocked him to sleep. The next few nights were easier, but it still takes him quite a while to settle down. He is also waking up in a fit every night around 3 or 4 and not quieting back down until he can slip into bed with John and I.
The boys and I went to have lunch with John last Monday. As we were sitting in the lobby a pretty 20-something young lady walked by. I thought 'One day, the boys will flirt with pretty girls like her.' Then Wyatt said "Hey!" He said it to the girl who just walked by and he sounded just like Joey from Friends. It was nuts. The girl kept going. Wy looked at me and said "Mommy, she did not say hi to me." I said "I know, buddy. I don't think she was expecting to be hit on by a 2 year old today."
OK - on to the headlines...
Jess has come home from Omaha this past weekend. She has been enrolled in high school here in O.P. and there ya have it.
Since Jess is back we are switching the kids' bedrooms. I have painted both rooms this week and we will make the big switcheroo before the weekend is over. Mom kept suggesting the kids move into her room while she and Dad move into the guest room but I nixed that. The boys' room is bigger than the girls' room. We will just switch them out. If that doesn't work, we will go from there.
Beth is very sad that she has to find a real job and thus can't watch the kids anymore. My cousin Monica is watching the kids for a few weeks till we get something set up.
And my sister Melanie is taking college classes! She had her first class this week and we are very proud she is able to get her hands on this long time goal of hers. Good luck!!!
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