As crazy as this sounds, none of the adults present had ever popped open one of these things before. We were all expecting something along the lines of those little champagne bottles you pop open on the 4th of July. That being the case, John laid out a sheet to catch all the debris. Let me tell you, when a person expect streamers to fly out all over the room, that person ends up being disappointed when all she gets is a "POP" and the task of digging out a folded up paper crown, a joke card and a little plastic toy...
I will now share the 8 Deluxe Cracker jokes with you. (Aren't you the lucky ones?)
What is grey and has four legs and a trunk?
A mouse going on holiday!
How do you make a band stand?
Hide all the chairs!
What did the hat say to the scarf?
You hang around while I go on ahead!
What do you get if you cross a parrot with a centipede?
A walkie-talkie!
What did the mayonnaise say to the fridge?
Close the door, I'm dressing!
When do spare parts from Japanese cars start falling out of the sky?
When it's raining Datsun cogs!
Where do little fish go each morning?
To plaice school.
(I don't get this one, but I never was the sharpest tack in the box...)
What is green and bounces around the garden?
A spring onion!
Of courser(Wy responds to many questions with "Of courser, Mommy!") my little plastic toy was the only whistle in the bunch. Jack simply will not leave me alone about it. He wants this whistle. He wants this whistle bad. He wants this whistle WICKED BAD! I am not going to give him this whistle. There is no way I can keep a handle on my sanity if anyone is running around this house blowing for Jesus. (Cuz you know they aren't going to blow it softly people.)
OK - the dongle is still not functioning - I will have to get a new one, upload pictures and get back to you all.
And so my friends,
Happy New Year, with love!
From Owenland Park.
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