The first Tuesday of each month is Can Day at John Paul II. I sent each of the girls to school with 2 canned goods only to find out later in the day that Can Day is the day you bring in all your empty soda cans for some fella to recycle and raise money for the school. It has nothing to do with canned goods. Imagine, if you will, the ration the kids gave me when I picked them up from school on Tuesday.
Every day I see something on the school calendar or newsletter that takes an interpreter to understand. Things like "Feb 17 - Confirmations Mtgs 8th gr SPX & 7th & 8th gr QHR". OK - I understand there is a meeting on the 17th. It is for Confirmation. Now, what time is the meeting? The school represents 2 parishes - so is the meeting at Queen or Pius? Is it a meeting for the kids? For the parents? Both? The list of my questions just goes on. I am thinking about asking if I can get a parent 'buddy' who I could call with my 10,000 questions.
Wy insists that I kiss his Thomas trains on the face. Hug Wy, kiss Henry. Talk to Wy, kiss Harold. Give food to Wy, Kiss Thomas. Stop folding laundry, kiss Molly...
He doesn't want to drink milk anymore. He only wants juice. He follows me all over the house asking for "Jew! Jew! Jew!" If I give him a sippy cup with milk in it, he throws it down and pouts at me.
He is beginning to take after his big brother and start his responses with "We-ellll..." "Wy, how are you?" "! na! na!" (Na is Wy speak for snack.) "Do you want to eat?" "We-elll...(and he runs for the table.)
Abby is working toward her First Communion this spring. She and I attended her first meeting this week. The kids listened to Mrs. Alexander talk about Communion then they made a craft project. They put together decorations that they strung onto a vine wreath. The kids will put these up to decorate church the day they receive Communion. On the way to the meeting I mentioned that we weren't very far from Gran's house. As we left she asked if we could drive by to see the house. We parked outside and sat there for a few minutes. She asked why there weren't any cars out front. I told her someone had bought the house but that no one was living there yet. We didn't talk much. We just held hands and sniffled our way home.
Jack lives with his hands in his pants. I reached my nice limit when we walked into Church last Sunday and saw him walking along with both hands down the front of his pants. I said "We are in church and you will not put your hands in your pants young man." He didn't put his hands in there once during mass. I was very proud of him.

Beth was bringing Jack, Devlyn & Wy home a few days ago. Devlyn sits in between the boys in the back seat and Beth said Devlyn was fussing with both the boys. Beth would tell her to keep her hands to herself. She would do that for a minute, then turn and mess with the other boy. This went on for a while and while Beth was putting gas in her car she heard crying from inside the car. She opened the door and asked Devlyn why she was crying. She said "Jack put his finger in my eye." Beth asked Jack what happened and he said " hand just went over there."

That does it for me. I'm still aiming for Fridays, it just isn't working out very well. I'll try to get in a few more pictures next week. Until then, God's blessings on you all!
Love, from Owenland Park.
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