Every morning John and I help each other get Devlyn, Jack & Wyatt loaded into the car or truck. John helps me on Tuesday & Wednesday and I help him Thursday & Friday.(We take turns taking them to Beth's house.) As I pull out of the garage, John stands in the garage and waves goodbye to us. The kids show him "I love you" fingers and give him 'bones' as we drive away. I however stand in the driveway at the back of the yard and watch John and the kids drive off. I wave goodbye and show them "I love you" fingers. They give me 'bones' and I give them 'bones' right back. So I am standing there in the cold at 7:00 in the morning, waving 'bones' with my fist in the air and I swear it looks like I am declaring "Black power!" to the neighborhood. Sometimes I want to shout "Can I get an Amen?!" Something is wrong with me.
Jack loves to sing. He sings to himself all the time. Every song he sings is either one I taught him or from one of his shows. I was startled this week when I heard him singing something I didn't recognize: "Wonder pets, wonder pets, we're on our way. To help a friend and save the day. We're not to bed and we're not too tough..." I don't understand the last phrase. I suggested to him that the song might be "We're not too BIG and we're not too tough." Well, let me tell you, he became very cross at this very idea that I might stick my foot into something I know nothing about. He told me quite sternly that the song says "we're not to BED and we're not too tough." He wouldn't hear anymore about it so he changed songs and walked away from me.
Jack had a terrible fever this weekend. He was fine all morning until I started to get ready for work. He was fussing for John when I jumped in the shower and when I got out he was full on inconsolable. I picked him up and that boy was just burning up. I had John grab the a thermometer and Jack had a 103.7 temp! I managed to get a dose of Tylenol in him, but he put up a big fight about it. We called the Dr.s office - of course it was about 20 minutes before they closed. She told me to take his temp in another 10 minutes and call her back. Well, the Tylenol started to work and dropped his temp to 103.2 so the nurse said to keep a close watch on him but to take him to the hospital if his temp went up at all or if he started throwing up, coughing or severe fussing. (I have begun referring to the kids as my 6 pack...let's face it, it's the only 6 pack I'm EVER going to have) Anyway, even though we had the full 6 pack at the house, John was put on Jack duty, I had to head out to work, Mom had to study for her FINAL final leaving Dad in charge of everyone else. Slowly through the day Jack's temp held and fell, held and fell. He asked if he could lay down in mommy's bed. (Isn't it funny that he calls it "mommy's bed"? He never calls it daddy's bed or mommy & daddy's bed - it is mommy's bed.) So John gave him the hook up with the portable DVD, a Thomas movie, a sippy cup and some snacks. Then Jack said "Can Wyatt take a nap with Jack in mommy's bed?" Doesn't that just kinda break your heart from the sweetness of it? I woke him up when I got home and he was feeling much better. His temp was still up a bit, but not enough for me to worry. And that boy DEVOURED dinner. He wanted to sleep in 'mommy's bed' again that night and I said OK. So there we were cuddled up for the longest time and I couldn't tell if he was asleep or not. I had to get up but didn't want to wake him so very quietly I said "Jack, are you asleep?" And very quietly he said "Yup."
Jack ate oatmeal at breakfast one morning last week! Mr. 'I won't eat anything if it isn't a hot dog, fish stick or salad' actually ate apple cinnamon oat meal. I did have ma put brown sugar and raisins in it, but he still at it!!!! It'll probably never happen again... He also ate tater tot casserole, which surprised me because I was sure he was not going to eat what was under the tater tots - but he tore it up! Wa-hoo! Maybe I should serve more tater tots?
Wy had a pretty rough time a few nights ago. I don't know what was up with him, but he was uncomfortable, irritated and no one was getting back to sleep. John finally took the little guy downstairs, put on a movie and cuddled up on the sofa with Wy guy. Here are my tired boys the next morning.
When it is time to sit down to dinner Wy immediately starts asking for "Hands!" He knows it is time to pray. And he has started making the Sign of the Cross with us this week! He still doesn't eat any vegetables...unless you can somehow make chocolate count as a vegetable...hmmm
Wy answers "Yeah!" to every single question you ask him. "Are you hungry?" "Yeah!" "Are you happy?" "Yeah!" "Do you love mommy?" "Yeah!" "Do you want to want to read a book?" "Yeah!" "Do you want to want to take a nap?" "Yeah!" And the only things he wants are 1: "bwan" banana or 2. "Pie" to be 'up high'. In other words, he want to be held by mommy or daddy. He has also started to call his grandma something that sounds like "cookie". It took me a few days to figure out he was trying to say "Gammie" and not randomly demanding sweets. Here he is wearing last night's salad bowl on his head. He was very proud of his "hat!"
Jess has recently been allowed to wear make up, which has been very exciting for her. She got a little carried away with the eye shadow and eye liner and we had a note from school saying it was too dark. Much to Jess' chagrin we had to lay down some rules. She caught the 'hair cut' fever and had Gammy chop off all her hair at about 9:00 last night. She was surfing the web and found some fun chunky hair cuts. She wouldn't let it rest until Gammy pulled out the scissors and started cutting away. Then Jess acted as if mom was hacking and whacking her hair off willy nilly. For as much fuss as she put up, eye rolling and refusing to come out of the bathroom, she likes the cut and it looks real cute on her. We styled it today so it flips up in the back and lies super flat in front - fun, modern and sassy.
Abbie is really starting to enjoy reading. She has to spend 15 minutes every day reading. Initially we had to hound and hound her to get this done. There was pouting, there was crying, there was full on stare at you mode. (I used to say this was the face she pulled when she was trying to decide where to put your body when she was done with you. Now I just think it is the look she has when she knows she is stuck and is going to have to do something she doesn't want to do, but she is still desperately trying to figure a way out of it.) Now that child brings me the timer every day and chastizes me if I start it before she has sat down and opened her book. I have explained to her that she can read even after the timer goes off, but she wants to do it all by the book. And that means not starting the timer till she is ready.
Connie falls on the steps about 85% of the time that she comes into contact with them. This weekend she grabbed onto and broke one of the balustrades as she fell down or tripped up the steps. I keep talking to her about paying attention to what she is doing, but she races up and down those steps in her socks or flip flops and disaster strikes. Poor John was planning on having some quiet time at the house while the rest of us were at church Sunday morning, but he spent that time fixing the stairs.
Devlyn is working on learning letters and numbers. She loves to sing the ABC song, but she refuses to sing about H or R. She just skips right past them as if they never existed. I have come to think of them like the Lost Boys. Only they are the Lost Letters. The boys, Devlyn and I had lunch with Gammy today. As we were waiting for our food to arrive I thought Devlyn might impress Gammy with how well she is learning her numbers so I said "Devlyn, count to 10 for Gammy." Without missing a beat (or looking up from her paper) she said "10."
And finally, here is Gracie. She is in KTO (Kitty Time Out) after knocking down the curtains so she could look out the window. I know she isn't on the naughty step, but putting a cat in time out is like...well, herding cats.
OK - parent teacher conferences are this Friday...may the force be with me...
Well, that does it for this week - Much love from Owenland Park and until next time, may God's blessings be upon you.
Words to live by
If it is to be, it is up to me.
Ok... In the past 30 days, Helen has totalled 2 vehicles & Monica tried to kill a deer with her truck. Still... I think we have it easier than you! Love, Uncle Doug
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