I was cleaning the bathroom (I spend a lot of time cleaning the bathroom now that we have 4 more people in the house...) Anyway, I was cleaning the bathroom Wednesday night while Abby, Connie & Devlyn were playing in their room. Suddenly, Daddy came flying up 3 flights of steps faster than I think I have EVER seen him move. Then he starts yelling "Do you think that is funny?" I had no idea what was going on, so up I went to the girls' room. After looking around and not being able to figure out what had been going on, I asked Daddy what had happened. It turns out that he was outside and looked up at the girls' bedroom window and saw shadows of children climbing onto something tall and jumping off it mere inches in front of the window...
FLASHBACK: Sometime in the early 80's...My sisters and I shared a bedroom on the 2nd floor. We also shared a bunk bed. It was early morning on a Saturday, I think. We were playing store. I remember being on the top bunk as I watched Melanie climb that ladder. I also remember watching her loose her grip, tumble backwards and slip out the second story window with only a baby blanket wrapped around her and a Strawberry Shortcake purse over her shoulder. I remember looking out the window and seeing Mel lying on the ground 2 stories below. I remember yelling and yelling to wake up Mom & Dad. I remember Dad FLYING out of the house. Fortunately, Mel was and is fine. The first thing she said was "My purse is dirty!"
Well, I'm sure that was what went flying through Daddy's head as he watched the shadows of these 3 girls jumping off the dresser and bed that live beside and below the window. Fortunately, no one was injured (unless you count my terrified & irate father).
Jessica has auditioned for and been cast as one of the orphans in the John Paul II 8th grade production of Annie! I don't know when performances are, but I will keep you all posted. Congratulations, Jessica!!! She has to put in a few service hours as she prepares for Confirmation and so she has helped pass out donuts at Parent appreciation day. She also volunteered at Bishop Miege to pass out pizza for something or other. I'm really happy that she is making friends and having a good time.
Connie, Devlyn and the boys all got hair cuts this week. (John too for that matter. It was just a hair cuttin' week, I guess.) Anyway, Devlyn's cut is especially cute when blow dried with a little product. Doesn't that sound really weird when talking about a 3 year old? Anyway, we blow dry it in the back so it is all flippy and Kah-yute! I pulled out the nippers to cut the boys' hair. The last time we went down this road, they both freaked out - especially Wy. So, I let them watch me set it all up and turn it on. I let Jack hold the nippers and he right away put it up on his head and declared "Jax do it." I let him rub it on his head (the guard was on so he wasn't in danger of hurting himself or cutting his hair.) John and Wy were sitting there and Wy only raised a bit of a fit when it was his turn. Good job boys!!!
Connie has completely destroyed her school shoes, so I took her out after dinner on Wednesday to pick out some new tennies. We took Jack with us and just as we pulled out of the garage Jack says "Look, it's a beautiful moon and star, mommy!" Sure enough, there was a brilliant white crescent moon and star hanging low in the sky all by themselves. I stopped the car and asked the kids if they wanted to make a wish on a star. Oh, that got them so excited. So I had them repeat "Star light, star bright" after me and then had them each make a wish. They ate it up!
One morning this week one of the girls had something in her hair and I was already at my limit. I was tromping down the stairs and muttered something like "Now we have to get this sh** out of your hair." Well, Jack was right behind me and he scratched his head and said "Mommy, can we get some sh** out of my hair?" Little ears are listening even when your whispering. That was my lesson for the day.
Your reward in Heaven will be great! If you get there before me, please put in a kind word for your old Uncle Doug...
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