JTO asked for a Ninja party to celebrate turning 8. We decided to set up an obstacle course (Training to become a Shadow Ninja) to keep control of the chaos a group of 7 & 8 year old boys can create...
To become a Shadow Ninja you must pass the Ninjago to prove your aim is true. (We made paper stars for the boys to decorate. Then John made Ninjago out of construction paper and toilet paper rolls.) The boys had to throw their ninja stars at the Ninjago and knock them down.
You must find your balance before you begin your journey. (John made this balance beam.)
You must cross the Canyon of Doom.
You must climb the Mountain of Despair (go up the slide). Then cross over the Forest of Fire (crawl from swing to swing without touching the ground). Then crawl through the Cavern of Darkness.
And finally you must cross to the Rickety Bridge to the Dark Side where...
You must battle the Ninja of Death.
Only then can you discover your true Ninja name. (I found a thing on line that 'translated' each letter of your name into part of a Ninja name. The boys had lots of fun making their new names.)
Then it was time for some fun 'sushi' dessert. (Another fabulous/fun online find.)
Happy Birthday to my Ninja Zukamimearimoto.
To find your true Ninja name go here http://www.ninjaname.net/
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