My favorite quote

"I just wanted to tell you that your kids are the ONLY reason I will have kids when I'm older..."
Helen. 7/24/09

Words to live by

If it is to be, it is up to me.

Living and learning

The 2nd graders are learing about using daily planners to help them remember/accomplish homework. Each day they are responsible for noting that night's homework. Each night a parent has to sign the planner to indicate that homework has been completed. Lately Jack has been forgetting to write down his homework. I will not sign my name on those days. Instead I write a note to the teacher saying "Jack did not write down his assignment." Jack does not like this at all: he wants me to sign my name. I will not sign my name to an assignment that is not complete but I will let the teacher know that I have seen his planner page.
One night this week I wrote this note in pencil. A few days later I saw that he had erased my statement and then signed my name for me. Now, I only share this with you because one time when I was in 2nd grade or so, I signed my mother's name to something. It was a TERRIBLE forgery and I was caught. I was also in big trouble with my teacher and my Mama.
I shared this story with Jack and told him that it wasn't honest of my to sign my mom's name and it wasn't honest of him to erase my comments and sign my name. I told him that I would now make all my comments in pen so they could not be erased and that the next time it happened there would be consequences.