A few weeks ago the boys had a half day at school. The weather was so beautiful we decided to pick Stephen up early and head out to the park. We stopped by the house and picked up an umbrella stroller and walked the trail at Southmoreland Park a few times before hitting the playground. Wyatt asked if he could push the stroller so we walked together. Jack was excited to pull out his scooter so he was tooling along ahead of us. As we walked Wyatt told me his is worried about where Stephen is going to go to school. He said he wants “Stephen to go to JP2 so he can get to know God and my teacher, Mrs. Gemmill.”
There is a short but steep incline on one part of the trail at the park and Jack was going a bit too fast on his scooter and he wiped out. He was crying so Wyatt and I ran to catch up with him. I sat down and pulled Jack into my lap to check on his hands and knees and Stephen was trying very hard to get out of his stroller and get to Jack. He didn’t settle down until Jack told Stephen “I’m ok.” Then he sat back down.
We made meatball subs for dinner this week and discovered that Stephen loves meatballs. Stephen loved the meatballs so much that he had to get a bath in the kitchen sink immediately after dinner because the sauce was all through his hair, covering his face – he was a happy mess!
You might be able to see that he has moved out of a high chair and into a booster seat at the table. He was thrilled with this transition and he really feels like a big boy!
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