Cooky but true: John and my Daddy share a birthday.
Also cooky but true: my sister and my sister-in-law share a birthday.
How crazy is that?
You might have picked up on the fact that Wednesday was John and Daddy's birthday. Daddy hit a milestone this year - 60! Happy birthday boys! "It's your birthday song! It's not too long! HEY!"
Mom, Wy and I were hanging out Wednesday evening, waiting for John to get home so we could take the fellas out to dinner. Dad came in the room and Wy pointed to him and said "Best friend, Poppy!" Then he ran over and hugged dad saying over and over "Best friend, Poppy." Of course my momma had to start the territorial dispute over Poppy. Back and forth she and Wyatt argued over my daddy. I'm thinking its not such a bad birthday present to have a 2 year old claim you for his best friend...
We took the fellas out to eat at Dos Reales. My poor Daddy. He doesn't go in for much of a fuss but he was good and cornered...

Now don't think badly of Abby when I tell you, or of me for telling you that she took a dollar off of one of the tables as we left the restaurant that night. I debated and debated about including this and finally decided to do it because it made me remember the time I was around her age and I stole candy from the K-Mart. When we were in the parking lot, momma saw I had candy that she had not purchased for me. She marched me right back inside, made me give the candy to the manager and apologize...
So, the other night we were headed out of the restaurant and a waitress stopped Abby and said something that sounded like "Did you take a dollar from a table?" The waitress was very nice about it and asked her question quite kindly. I didn't hear Abby's answer or see what happened because I was facing the other direction and had my arms full of a flailing Wyatt. When I turned around the lady was gone and Abby was heading for the car. I asked Abby if she took a dollar and she nodded. So I took her hand and we marched right back inside. Talk about deja vu. I flashed back to the 1980s K-Mart and kept expecting to turn around and see the cherry cola icee machine. Abby and I found the waitress, Abby apologized and home we went. Mom and I haven't quite decided what is apropriate for a punishment, but we are talking of no TV through the weekend. We did explain that tips are how waiters make their money and pay their bills. I'm not sure if it clicked in her head or not.
Jess says you have to hold your breath when you pass a cemetery. She also says that you have to lift your feet when you cross rail road tracks. We pass by a cemetery and over a set of railroad tracks every day on our way to her summer school. Every day she hollers at me to "LIFT YOUR FEET!" I finally asked her how I was supposed to drive if I lifted my feet while crossing the railroad tracks. She didn't have an answer...
I took Connie with me to the U:BUG:ME last weekend and as we drove along we passed a cop who had pulled someone over. Connie asked why there were 2 cop cars with this one car that was pulled over. I was trying to explain that sometimes police officers want to have another person or "back-up officers" with them when they give a ticket, check out a situation etc. I told her these other officers help to make sure things are safe. A few days later we passed another driver who had been pulled over. This time there was only one cop car and Connie said "I want to be a police officer when I grow up." I said that sounded great and what made her want to be a cop? She said "I want to be back-up."
One of Wy's favorite books is Come Along, Daisy . (Thank you Jolie & Jordan!) Daisy is a duck who is supposed to stay close to her mother as they navigate the river. As you may have guessed, Daisy doesn't stick too close to mama because she is too busy playing with dragonflies and such. Daisy has a big scare but is reunited with her mama, who scolds Daisy for wandering of. One of Daisy's adventures while separated from her mama is an encounter with a frog. Daisy and her frog friend hop from lily pad to lily pad "Bouncy, bouncy, bong, bong!" Well...Wy loves to play with balls and chants "bouncy, bong, bong!" every time he sends a ball your way.
A package arrived for the boys earlier this week. John and I sat Jack down to open it up and the first thing we saw was bubble wrap. Jacked cried "BUBBLES!" He then took a deep breath and tried to blow them like you would blow on soap bubbles. Needless say, he didn't have much luck.
I'm just going to get this one out there. Wy ate a razor. OK, he was really chewing/sucking on it when I found him but nonetheless, there he was, for all intents and purposes, standing at the bottom of the stairs, happily eating a razor. You know the disposable kind we ladies use to shave our legs? Full on, in his mouth. I was cleaning the living room and turned around to move a basket of toys and Wy was was just standing there pleased as punch chewing away with this razor in his mouth. It was one of those moments when time stood still for me. Only not in a good way. I literally felt I was moving through slow motion as I shrieked -who knows what I shrieked- and extracted the razor from his mouth. Then I freaked Wy out by running my finger in and out of his mouth, over his tongue and gums checking and checking for blood. I was sure there was going to be blood everywhere and we were going to have to go to the ER for stitches on his tongue or lip. Nothing. I couldn't find any sign of a nick or cut. I don't know how he got the razor because I keep them locked up. I don't know how long he had been chewing on it and I don't know how he avoided slicing open his mouth but I thank God and our lucky stars that he is fine. Can you imagine a 2 year old with a stitched up tongue?
Love and huggies and many blessings from Owenland Park!
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