My favorite quote

"I just wanted to tell you that your kids are the ONLY reason I will have kids when I'm older..."
Helen. 7/24/09

Words to live by

If it is to be, it is up to me.

A Few Conversations

Jack: Wyatt! I am really disappointed with you. You don’t posed to mess up the train tracks.
Wyatt: Yeah.
Jack: Don’t do that some more, you has to play nice.
Wyatt: Yeah.
Jack: You can play if you play nice.
Wyatt: Yeah

Amy: Connie, I want you to try the grilled onion. It's very sweet cooked like this.
Connie: I don't want to.
Amy: I'll try a bite at the same time.
Connie: I don't want to.
Amy: Come on, just one bite.
Connie: OK. (We each take a bite.)
Amy: How did you like it?
Connie: Well, it didn't kill me, but I don't want any more.

Wyatt: Mommy, muhna gur-fie
Mommy: What? (What I really think is "He did not just say girl fight.")
Wyatt: muhna gur-fie
Mommy: I don't know what that means, pal.
(I can't put together any other option other than he wants a girl fight.)
Mommy: We aren't going to a girl fight, buddy.
Wyatt: YES!
Mommy: I give up.
(Weeks later we are still having this conversation when I suddenly realize: He wants me to read "Mater and the Ghost Light"!)

Mommy: Jack - I want you to eat 2 carrots.
Jack: But I don't waaant tooooo...
Mommy: It's just 2 baby carrots, you will be fine.
Jack: (Tilts his head and gives me the eye.) Mommy, I really love your dress.
Mommy: Thank you. You still have to eat 2 carrots.
Jack: ooooh.

I overhead this on the boys' baby monitor:
Jack: Wyatt, can I read to you?
Wyatt: No.
Jack: Wyaaaatt, I will read to you.
Wyatt: No.
Jack: But you will listen. Big Bird and Thomas by: mumble mumble mumble. Jack then 'read' for a bit and paused. "Wyatt, are you listening to me?"
Wyatt: No.

Jack: Can we go ride Thomas?
John: No, buddy. We have to wait till next year.
Jack: But I want to ride Thomas.
John: Pal, Thomas had to go to other cities to visit other kids. He won't be back here for a year.
Jack: Well, tell Jean & Johanna to get tickets to California and we can ride 3 airplanes, an air train and then Thomas, OK?