Things just don't slow down in our neighborhood. Since we have come home from California, Jess has been angling to spend every available minute with her cousin Helen (who will be off to KU come the fall) or poolside. Abby and Connie have been taking swimming lessens at their summer day care program. These two young ladies think they have become pretty adept swimmers: never mind that in one week they snuck over into the deep end (two times each I believe it was) and managed to require adult assistance ALL FOUR TIMES. The girls told me over dinner all about how they "drownded" at school that day.
I reached the end of my rope the other day with Jack and the #2 department. I finally snapped last Wednesday and told him that he cannot check Thomas on the e-mail or watch Thomas on the TV or computer until his business is done in the pot. That conversation ended with Jack in tears. I also told him that if he isn't even making an effort in the coming week that I would take away his Thomas trains. That didn't go over well either. Last Monday I took Abbie and Connie to the Dr. for their annual physical and left the boys and Devlyn home with Jess. She put on a Thomas DVD - not knowing that he couldn't even watch Thomas on the TV. She said Jack came running and yelling "NO, NO, NO, Jessica! Mommy says no Thomas on a TV!" She told me turned the DVD off and then the TV. Jack's deadline was a week ago Wednesday. At nearly the very last minute of his timeline - guess what Jack did? I'll just let you know he was granted the right to check Thomas on the e-mail.
Devlyn has finally mastered identifying most of the colors we throw her way. She has trouble with brown. She is not interested in identifying letters or numbers though she is not bad at identifying some shapes... Wyatt's vocabulary is growing by leaps and bounds. He seems to be putting together longer sentences each day too. And he does not like to wear shoes. I will put him in the car and by the time we reach our destination - 7 times out of 10 his shoes are off (as are his sox if he had been wearing them).
We took Jess, the boys and Devlyn to see the opening night performance of U:BUG:ME at the Coterie last night. The kids have been rocking out to the demo CD in the car for months. Jess insists she is going to see it again and again. Jack's only comment was that it was too loud. (Every time I looked over at him, he was sitting at full attention and I might add his hands were NOT covering his ears.) Devlyn was simply in a trance from the moment the actors came on stage and Wy did a great job though he did have some wiggly spots. John didn't even have to leave the theatre with him.
The other week I was looking around for an afternoon snack to give the kids. I wasn't coming up with anything and my eye finally settled on a package of pita pockets. I thought I would make up some toasted peanut butter pita pockets for them. I asked if they would like to have toasted peanut butter pita pockets and Wy came flying through the living room crying "YETH, MOMMY, YETH! PENIS POCKET! PENIS POCKET! PWWWEEEAAATHE!"
He is also in love with pop tarts. When we wake him up in the mornings that child will sit straight up and shout one of two things - "Gordon!" or "Pop tart!" Gordon has actually become a bone of contention among the kids. Gordon went missing for a few weeks without anyone noticing. Once he was found though, all the kids went insane and he is the ONLY train any of them want to play with. Mom now takes Gordon and tells the kids it is time for his nap. John has finally decided that we have to put Gordon away for good...
Mom picked up a little tube of toy turtles and frogs for the boys while she was in California. I opened the box one afternoon and dumped them out for Jack. He was asking me what each one was: "That's a turtle, Jack. That's a frog, Jack." I finally asked him what he was holding. He looked up at me like I was an idiot and said "Well, it's a red eyed tree frog, mommy."

All right friends, I'm going to get outta here. I hope to get back to our regularly scheduled programming in the coming weeks. Cross your fingers.
Love and blessings,
Owenland Park!
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