What I learned on Sunday: Ok, it was more a sneaky realization - I have to figure out how to trick my sister into making all the fabulous birthday cakes from now on!
What did I learn on Monday? I will never play the Big Butt game with anyone and Benedryl knocks Connie out flat. I definitely need to remember the part about the Benedryl...

What did I learn Tuesday: 8 year old girls don't know what they want.
Wednesday: I was driving the little kids out to Beth's house Wednesday morning and as usual, they wanted to listen to a kid cd and I wanted to listen to NPR. They wouldn't give up and I couldn't stomach the thought of listening to Car Songs again. So I rifled though our cds and found Jack Johnson's Curious George sound track. I put that in. As we got close to Beth's house, I remembered that there is a lullaby on the sound track that I used to sing to the boys all the time. Since we would be at Beth's house soon, I skipped a few songs to get to the track I wanted. Jack was up front with me, so I put my hand on his knee and sang the song. Please take a moment and listen for yourself. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XdJVWSqb4Ck When the song was over, I looked at Jack and he had huge tears streaming down his face. "Jack! What's wrong, baby?" He took a deep ragged breath and started sobbing. He was so upset he couldn't even talk. It was all I could do to keep myself from pulling the car over and cuddling him. When we got to Beth's I had to spend about 20 minutes cuddling Jack before he would let me go to work. I was darned near ready to take him to the office with me. Later that day he told me "That song made me sad." I asked if I could sing it to him again sometime. He said "Maybe tomorrow, but not today, mommy, ok?"
Todady I learned my little Jack has some pretty powerful emotions.
What did I learn: When left to their own devices, the children will SOMETIMES share. I also learned that Jack had a "head-egg" for which he needed medecine. AND, It shouldn't have come as any revelation, but I stopped in my tracks when I realized that Devlyn simply loves to make NOISE. And by noise I mean any possible noise that could be found in any way shape or form as annoying. High pitched noises, check. Loud noises, check. Repetitive noises, check, check, check, check, check. I need to think of a clever way to let her have her noise without driving the rest of us insane. Any suggestions?
Friday: I didn't learn anything Friday, other than I was one tired girl.
OK, friends, that does it for this week. As usual, look forward to more next week. Love and blessings to all of you from Owenland Park!
OMG- the girls look darling in their glasses......and glasses are so "IN" right now! Almost everyone I know is getting rid of their contacts to wear their glasses again. Fashion accessory!!!!!! LOVE YOU AMY.
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