Speaking of fairies...
Connie flossed a tooth loose earlier in the week. She was so desperate to be a kid with a missing tooth that yesterday afternoon she worked at it until it came out. (Mom says there was a great deal of blood...)
I didn't see the missing tooth until I was trying to get slow-pokey kids into bed at nearly 10pm. She flashed her missing tooth grin at me and I said "That's nice, dear. Now. Get. In. Bed." I didn't even think anything about it.
Saturday morning I awoke to a conversation between Connie and Gammy. It was very clear that Connie was quite upset. Gammy was telling her "Well honey, You probably weren't on her list because it wasn't supposed to come out yet. She is very busy because kids all over the world are losing teeth every day. She has a BIG schedule that tells her what kids have teeth coming out on what days. That way she can be there on time. Your tooth wasn't supposed to come out yesterday, so I will be that you are on her list for tonight or tomorrow night."
I laid there in bed feeling smaller than small. That little girl smiled her missing tooth grin at me and I just went to bed. She even went to the bathroom to get out our Tooth Fairy pillow. (This is a little blue pillow with a pocket on it - the kid puts their tooth in the pocket and the Tooth Fairy of course takes the tooth and leaves the moolah in the pocket.) Feeling smaller by the minute folks...
I have been know to crawl under the bed and find the $1 that "must have fallen off the bed". Don't beat yourself up over it. We all make mistakes.
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