Just as with Christmas, the young folks in our house have to wait until everyone is up and ready to go downstairs TOGETHER on Easter morning and raid their Easter Bunny bounty. A few of these short people were up
very early. Did I say they were up early? Well, let me tell you, they were up absurdly early... They were not happy about being made to play in their rooms until everyone was up and moving about. Here the Owenland Park Expansion affiliates can barely contain themselves for a snapshot before we finally allowed them access to the wonders of the Easter baskets downstairs.

So there they were - ready to dive into the good stuff. Imagine the fallen faces when they were informed they could only devour 2 pieces of candy before lunch. Now imagine the crestfallen looks when they were told the big chocolate thing in their baskets would not be one of the items they could eat before breakfast. Part of me felt really mean that I wouldn't let them just tear it up. Then the practical part of me just kept thinking - Church will be a nightmare with 6 kids hopped up on sugar...
Jeanette sent a few of these funny little get ups. Unfortunately the Velociraptors broke all the bunny ears before we were even dressed for church. The glasses are still floating around. I have to break up an occasional argument over who gets to play with the only pair of glasses that can be found at that moment.

And now for my favorite part of the day...Devon had picked up these tiny little terra cotta flower pots for each of the kids. Each pot had different seeds to grow; marigolds, strawberries, peppers, basil... Mom was taking pictures of the kids as they were ripping paper off of things - then she starts calling out "Show me your pot!"
Owenland Park
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