I was in rehearsal and missed the official birthday dinner. Our long time family tradition is that the birthday person picks the birthday meal. As soon as I asked what he wanted for dinner Jack piped "PIZZA" then when we went to the grocery store he ran to the frozen pizza section and picked out 2 of the most sad looking pepperoni pizzas I have ever seen. I let him know that we could have someone bring pizza to our house - but he was determined that we take pizza home from the grocery store. I think he picked frozen pizza because it was the pizza that was right there in front of him. Mom got him to change his mind on the big day though by saying he could go to the pizza store with her and be the "pizza man" and bring pizza home to everyone. He loved that. He also loved the Thomas tent his Aunt Shannon sent him! Aunt Jeanette rocked it with a leggo like thing (I can't find the paper with the name) that can be put together into a helicopter, a digger, a plane and some other vehicle - that is a house favorite. Kudos to Wy who gave Jack his desperately wished for "Kid watch". John and I got the "surprise" face when Jack opened up his Jeremy the airplane Thomas Take Along thing...
I know it was sorta silly, but I had his birthday party on Easter Sunday. That was my day off. Melanie made a beautiful Thomas cake that had Jack jumping around for joy. The kids invaded the hot tub and a good time was had by all.
If you want to see a few more pictures of the birthday week - look to the sidebar for Linky Dinks - click on Shutterfly and open the album Jack's 5th birthday.
Finally, poor Devlyn was running around with a temp of 100-104 for two days. She finally spiked just over 105 yesterday and mom got her out to the dr. Turns out the poor kid has a UTI. Poor kid also has to take a liquid RX and she says it is "gross". Devon coaxed and coaxed her to take that med last night. We finally wound up lying her down with her head in Devon's lap - I poured it all in her mouth, gave a big blow, she swallowed and we were done! Yeah me and Devon!
Love and blessings!
The gang at owenland park!
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