Jack was so excited. He didn't, and still doesn't quite understand that this test doesn't mean he starts school tomorrow and that school doesn't start until the fall...
When Mrs. G. brought Jack back to me, he asked her if he could be the teacher on some days. She let him know that he could probably be the class reader and that meant he could bring a book to school and read it to the other kids. He thought this was an excellent idea as long as he could bring a Thomas book. She told him she was sure the other kids would like to hear Thomas stories. Then she said we would receive Jack's results in the mail.
True to her word, Jack's evaluation came in the mail this weekend. Mrs. G says he is ready for Kindergarten! He performed satisfactorily in all his evaluation categories. (Now don't go getting in a lather - there are only 2 categories: Satisfactory and Needs improvement.) Mrs. G. says Jack has "super interaction with the teachers...follows directions...excellent letter and number concepts...good sentences...good motor control. In fact, the only task she gave us over the summer is to get Jack comfortable with using scissors as they do a lot of cutting in kindergarten. I told Jack we would get a pair and he could pick what color he wanted. He yelled "BLUE!" (Blue is Thomas.)
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