This is another one of those Rhinestone Cowgirl hats from our Lucky Duck gala a few weeks ago. I had a serious case of "spring fever need my day off in a real bad way" on Sunday. The only thing that eased the itch so to speak was to traipse around the theatre in this flambouyant hat. I have decided to keep it at my desk for those days when I need a little pick me up/tide me over - whatever. I think when I am wearing that hat and someone brings me a problem I will simply say "Peasant, do not bother me. I am busy with tea and crumpets."

This is John's Uncle Caleb. For the longest time I truly thought John's family just had some random bust and they had dubbed him Uncle Caleb. He is in all reality one of John's ancestors. Why is one of John's ancestors resting on a piece of tin foil on my kitchen counter when he usually resides on an end table in my living room? WELL - what had happened was... Seriously, the kids were playing downstairs and Connie decided to hide behind Uncle Caleb and his end table thus knocking him over. She somehow managed to catch him around the neck and save his upper portions but the base was broken into a bunch of pieces. John being the Master of All Things Needing Repair has pieced Uncle Caleb back together. We think Uncle Caleb will be relegated to a new location until the living room is a safe place to rest...

Sue & Steve sent this shell to Wy for his birthday. I honestly can't remember what it is called but it is a Sweedish toy I believe. You can nestle inside it and pretend to be a turtle - Wy's favorite method of playing with this thing. Or you can turn it over and sit inside it and rock or spin around. This option is of course everyone else's favorite method of play as it wreaks havoc on anyone within the reach of the players' legs (the kids will sit and spin, kicking anyone in their path...)

Jack is fond of playing baseball. He likes to toss or drop the ball and see 1. can he actually hit the ball and 2. how hard he can hit it if he can manage to make contact. I have had a few balls WHIZ past the side of my head which causes Jack no end of amusement. I on the other hand and nearly too terrified to step foot in the back yard.

OK - look how big and strong little Wy is getting. At first I started to freak out and tell him to sit down, but he was very much in control of the swing and himself and kids are kids afterall.
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