I asked Connie and Devlyn to set the table last night and within 30 seconds they were fighting like cats. I made them stand facing each other and hold hands. Then I had them say to each other "Thank you for letting me help you. And thank you for helping me." Then I asked them to finish setting the table. Before I made it into the kitchen they were at it again. Instead of sending them to seperate corners, I made them sit down together with their arms around each other and holding hands. Connie did not like this option at all. Wow she looked like a p.o.'ed teenager. After a few minutes they were at it again and Connie was tattling that Devlyn wouldn't hold her hand. At first I told them they could have another minute added on to their time. Then I had them do 2 person volcanoes (Connie's right hand met Devlyn's left hand - they would raise their hands together and then 'explode' back down to hands together.) Then I told them that a hug is supposed to make you happy not mad. I also let them know that they could sit together hugging each other until they could feel love for each other. I looked in on them a minute later and sure enough they were having their own quiet lovey hug fest. Yay everyone!!!

John brought home a few cardboard tubes that are the delight of the children. The boys use them as tunnels for the trains. All the kids want to wear the tubes on their arms and pretend to be robots. Wy is the only one who can fit his legs into the tubes. I can't believe he actually put the tubes on long enough for me to get a picture of my little Wy-bot.

OK - I know this is a small picture - it was taken with my phone. Anyway, I took Wy to the theatre with me last Friday. He was a great help; he helped me check lights, sound, props, tell the actors what time it was...He even helped the drummer check his drums! He asked Wy if he wanted to drum. Wy didn't quite understand what to do until he was given a little demo. It took him a minute to warm up to the drums. At first I thought he didn't like the drums, but he loved them! He was simply taking his time checking out what sound each one made. He had a great time!

The boys and I stopped by the bank at the grocery store last week and they have this little pony - can you belive this ride is free? All the other little ponies, cars etc. want your money. This one just has a little button the kids can push and get a free ride!

Jack thought it was hysterical to keep pushing the button while Wy was on his ride. Of course Wy didn't want to get off until his ride was over - and thanks to Jack it started to seem like the ride that would never end...It just went on and on my friends. I finally had to put Jack in a bear hug to keep his hands off the button...
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