Words to live by
If it is to be, it is up to me.

Jack registered for Kindergarten on Sunday. Having never been though this process as a parent, I thought it was going to be more involved. As it was, we just walked around the cafeteria from table to table and either picked up a paper or dropped one off. Then I paid his registration fee and we were done. It wasn't nearly as involved as I thought it was going to be.

Jack's kindergarten teacher is offering a 'jumpstart' class where the kids meet for an hour each evening one week. Jack has been very excited about starting Kindergarten but on Monday (his first day of Jumpstart) he turned very somber. I asked him if he felt OK. He didn't say anything. I asked him if he was sick. He didn't say anything. I asked him if he was nervous about jumpstart class and he looked away from me. Then he took a shaky breath and said "I'm just sad cuz I don't want to leave home." It was so hard not to laugh. He said it as if he were heading off for boot camp or college. I told him it was OK to be nervous but he gets to come home EVERY day. Then of course he had a great day at class that night.

Jack decided it was silly shoe day yesterday and wore a sneaker and a sandal all day. He wanted to wear them to school that way. Since he thought it was so funny, I let him do it. I tried to wear 2 different shoes. I couldn't do it. It felt too weird.
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