Words to live by
If it is to be, it is up to me.

A few weeks ago John brought home 2 two foot lengths of heavy cardboard tubing. The boys went wild over the tubes and immediately put them to use as tunnels for Thomas and his friends. For a day or so the trains were treated to picturesque travels through tunnels in the countryside. Then their travels became more exciting as the inclines became steeper and steeper until the trains simply FLEW down through the tunnel, out the other end and shot across the room while the boys laughed themselves silly.

The tubes are also used (as you can see here) as telescopes, megaphones, tubas, big fat drum sticks, splints for 'broken' arms or legs and a plethora of other clever items. Wy insists on taking his tube everywhere for use as a microphone. We were at the grocery store yesterday and Wy entertained himself the whole time by singing all sorts of silly made up songs into his microphone.
I have to go now. The boys are arguing over who gets which chocolate chip pancake. Who cares that they are all the same.
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