My favorite quote

"I just wanted to tell you that your kids are the ONLY reason I will have kids when I'm older..."
Helen. 7/24/09

Words to live by

If it is to be, it is up to me.

Happy Birthday, Mama!

Jack's homework speaks for itself

All Jack wants for Christmas is...

That's right - both of his front teeth have come out since Thanksgiving. The Tooth Fairy left him $1.38 in change for the first tooth. Wyatt said "WOW. What are you going to buy wiff all vat money, Jackie?" Jack answered "I am going to wait till I am grown up to spend it, Wyatt."

The Tooth Fairy was a little more generous for tooth #2. She left him two dollar bills. That boy was super excited - though he still opted to put them in his piggy bank and save them. Good choice, buddy!

Putting up the tree

Jack has been doing very well with his piano lessons and will be participating in his first recital Dec 16! He has been working on his Christmas songs: We Three Kings and Up On The Housetop and he is getting pretty good. When we were putting up the tree last weekend I asked Jack if he would play his recital songs for us. It was pretty cool to have someone plinking out Christmas music on the piano while we put up decorations. That would be a fun tradition to start... We will see.

Thanksgiving day

Thanksgiving day started off with my fellas feeding the birds and ended with Wyatt and Noah pretending to sleep in the closet. They had me fooled until they both started giggling at the same moment.

Super Secret Spy Keys

Wyatt was really into being a spy and a spy pilot for a few weeks. He told me when he grew up he was going to put me in his plane and fly me someplace really nice. Then he was going to take all the boys in his family and fly them to someplace fun. then he gave John and I our Super Secret Spy Keys (markers) so we could be spies too.