My favorite quote

"I just wanted to tell you that your kids are the ONLY reason I will have kids when I'm older..."
Helen. 7/24/09

Words to live by

If it is to be, it is up to me.

You has to hold hands

My cousin Monica got married the other weekend. After dinner Jack had had it with his tie and was trying to pull it undone. Poor kid couldn't figure out that it velcroed together at the back of his neck.

Wy has decided he doesn't like time out. At first he will sit there with his head down. Then he will slyly look up at me and smile like I really don't mean for him to be in time out. Then he bounces or finds other ways to entertain himself. I have to stand right beside him and smack my hands together and say "You don't get to have fun in time out, young man." Then he knows I mean business and he cries.

Time out has become a regular event in Owenland Park. Something is always going down that seems to require someone sitting on the naughty step. Some of the Naughty Step's most frequent visitors of late are Jack & Devlyn. These two are having quite a hard time sharing and cooperating 24/7. They have decided that fisticuffs is the way to settle nearly any disagreement. For days I had been hearing from any number of children about who hit whom etc. etc. I don't think it is fair to punish an individual when I was not a whiteness to the event. Well, I finally witnessed what was about to become a full on scuffle. I called a halt to the proceedings and told both kids they were in time out. They each headed for separate naughty steps, but I had other plans. I said 'No, no, no. You get to sit together in time out and hold hands." This was very confusing to them. They sat there (I stood there the entire time to ensure no fighting) holding hands not quite sure what to do. All went well and they have had to spend a few more time outs holding hands. The most recent trip to the naughty step was for screaming like crazy people and jumping on the furniture. I sent them to time out. Jack looked at Devlyn as soon as they sat down and said "You has to hold hands."

One of my jobs as a stage manager is to keep the actors informed of what time it is, or how close we are to curtain. I have to let them know when it is half hour, 15 minutes, 10 minutes, 5 minutes and places. Well, I had Jack, Devlynn and Wy with me at the grocery the other day and one of the kids asked how long we would be and I said "Oh, we'll be done in about 5 minutes." To which Jack replied "5 minutes everybody, 5 minutes, 5 minutes, 5 minutes, 5 minutes..."

My rehearsals have all been in the afternoon and evenings, so the first half of the day I spend with the 3 little ones. Surprisingly it has been rather easy to get all of them down for nap/quiet time each day. Wy doesn't fuss and always takes a nap, Devlyn may have to be talked to a few times, but she gives a solid 2 1/2 hour nap each day and Jack may not sleep, but he will quietly chill out in bed for up to 2 hours. I had all the kids down one afternoon and was folding some laundry. Over the baby monitor I hear Jack quietly singing "I like ta move it, move it. I like ta move it, move it. I like ta move it, move it. Ya like ta...MOVE IT!" from Madagascar.

John and I went out to eat the other night leaving my folks with all 6 kids. Devon had called and was spending some time talking to each of the girls before they went to bed. Mom says that after a while Jack noticed everyone was getting some phone time and he started in on how his turn was next. Dev talked to each of the girls and was ready to get off the phone but Jack had a fit so she talked to him. Mom said he paced back and forth from the kitchen to the living room (something my mom does) and told Devon all about the work we are doing in the kitchen. (We are getting ready to install and replace cabinets on the north and west walls.) Anyway, Devon told Ma that after talking to all the girls she was just about a mess and was ready to have a good cry, but Jack was so cute on the phone she couldn't help laughing. Good job, Jack!

As I mentioned, we are in the midst of a partial kitchen renovation. Everyone is helping out with scraping wall paper. John says he couldn't get to the camera quick enough, but he caught Wy standing on the top of a step stool scraping the wall with a putty knife as high as he could reach. What a great helper!!!

Finally, I must say that the most peaceful part of my day is actually driving the girls to school. I know that sounds impossible, but it is the honest truth. I think it has to do with the fact that I listen to NPR. The girls can be chattering away a mile a minute, but as soon as the NPR starts up they glaze over and check out. I feel guilty saying it, but it is WONDERFUL!

OK, friends, God bless and keep you. More to come next week! Love, from Owenland Park!!!