Wyatt was attempting to take a toy tool box from Devlyn. Poppy said "Wyatt, Devlyn had it first." Wy didn't miss a beat "I had it second!" You can't argue with that.
John snagged these trains and the boat from the strike of Around the World in 80 Days. He mounted them on backing boards, made tracks for the trains a dock for the boat and then brought them home for the boys. Jack & Wy were thrilled when John told them we were going to hang them up in their room. Jack immediately knew which one went on which wall and personally supervised as his daddy hung them up.

When I was in gradeschool we had to "swish" twice a year. Does anyone know what I'm talking about? Once or twice a year the school nurse would bring in little paper cups of flouride and we would swish this stuff around in our mouths for 30 or 60 seconds. Then we spit it back out into the cups and ditched it all in a large trash can. Why do I tell you this? Wyatt swishes his saliva. Constantly. Loudly. I think it is a substitute for the passer he no longer has. He has to suck something so he sucks his spit...
Wyatt was SUPPOSED to be taking a nap. After listening to him putter around for way too long, John went upstairs to get the little guy back in bed. He went to open the door and Wyatt tried to stop the door from opening. He said "Daddy, I'm not done!" Then John saw Wy's little face. It turns out Wy & Devlyn were having a make-over with Devlyn functioning as the beautician. They said they were "putting on Wyatt's make up."
Abby and some of the girls in her class made up a little song for a "talent show"
Abby taught the song to the other kids and now someone is always singing this little bit of foolishness. The tune is "I Believe I Can Fly"
John snagged these trains and the boat from the strike of Around the World in 80 Days. He mounted them on backing boards, made tracks for the trains a dock for the boat and then brought them home for the boys. Jack & Wy were thrilled when John told them we were going to hang them up in their room. Jack immediately knew which one went on which wall and personally supervised as his daddy hung them up.
When I was in gradeschool we had to "swish" twice a year. Does anyone know what I'm talking about? Once or twice a year the school nurse would bring in little paper cups of flouride and we would swish this stuff around in our mouths for 30 or 60 seconds. Then we spit it back out into the cups and ditched it all in a large trash can. Why do I tell you this? Wyatt swishes his saliva. Constantly. Loudly. I think it is a substitute for the passer he no longer has. He has to suck something so he sucks his spit...

Abby and some of the girls in her class made up a little song for a "talent show"
Abby taught the song to the other kids and now someone is always singing this little bit of foolishness. The tune is "I Believe I Can Fly"
I believe I can fly
I just got shot by the FBI
All I wanted was a chicken wing!
From Burger King!
That's it for me.
Blessings from Owenland Park!
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