Words to live by
If it is to be, it is up to me.

The weather was so beautiful the last few days that I took the kids out for walks. Let's be honest here: I walked, they ran. They can run as long as they stop at the next driveway. This prevents them from getting too far ahead of the adults - ok me. Jack and Devlyn are "super slow fast!". (In the language of 4 year olds, this means they are Olympic srpinters.) Poor Wy can't keep up with them. He stops after a few paces, hangs his head and in a pitiful voice says "I can't run anymore." I finally asked Jack & Devlyn to run with Wy to cheer him up. They all joined hands and ran that way for the rest of our walk. They laughed and cheered each other on. Wy called out "Mommy! We are having so much fun!"
I am not sure when or how it started, but Wyatt is obsessed with winning. And who knows WHERE he picked this up, but he is constantly calling out "I win! I get the trophy!" He will tug something away from me and call out "I win! I get the trophy!" If anyone else says "I win! I get the trophy!" he makes a "Zzzhhhwhip!" sound, points his finger at you and then hugs his arm to himself.(This is his super hero power of taking the invisible object away from you)and announces "-I- have the trophy!"

We finally took the outdoor Christmas decorations down last weekend. A few days later the kids and I went to the grocery store. As I was hauling in the groceries, Wy calls out "Mommy, I found CANDY!!!" I knew it couldn't be good because he was still in the garage. "Wyatt - whatever it is DO NOT PUT IT IN YOUR MOUTH. Do you understand me?" What did I hear? "Mmmwwhwmmhmm!" I looked around the car and found Wyatt sucking on one of the candy cane yard decorations...Jack thought this was so funny that he stuck it in his mouth too. Well, three can sort of play at that game - I made them bring it upstairs and suck on it again so I could share this picture with you.
Later taters,
Love and blessings,
Amy & the gang
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