Jack and I were talking about his birthday coming up. He is still working hard on understanding any timeline beyond tomorrow - so the fact that I said his birthday was "in a few weeks" was no help to him. He kept asking me "Is it after this day?" I told him it was after a lot of days. We counted days on our fingers. I showed him calendars. None of it made sense to him. He wouldn't leave it alone and I finally said "Oh, Jack! I'm not talking about it anymore!" He threw his hands up in the air and said "Fine! I'll leave you alone!"
Mom & Wy were hanging out together in the dining room last week. I don't know what they were doing, but mom says suddenly they heard Jack crying in the downstairs living room. Wy put down his things as he gasped and said "My bruver needs me!" Then he ran away to take care of his "bruver."
The kids are all settling into their new rooms. The boys really love their room. They don't particularly enjoy being sent to their room for time out - but Wy has discovered what he thinks is his revenge. He dumps out the toy box, the dresser drawers and empties the book shelves until his room is a disaster. This is rather upsetting to poor Jack. He is invariably the one who finds the mess. He finds me and tells me how "Wyatt ruined EVERYTHING."
Jess told me that Wyatt came into the living room chewing on a kid's rosary - the kind with the large wooden beads. She asked him why he was chewing on the rosary and he told her he was just playing. She told him it was her rosary and he said "NO!" (He & Jack have one just like it, but this one was indeed Jessica's.) He started to walk off with it and she took it from him. "Wyatt, this is MY Crucifix." She told me that he looked at her and screamed "NO! THAT'S MY JESUS STICK!"
Wish me peace and quiet on my 2 week stay-cation, friends!
Love and blessings,
Owenland Park.
P.S. Thank you for the prayers for my friends!
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