Later that afternoon the boys let me know that we had lost Toby the steam tram. Jack thought we left him at the restaurant. I circled back around so we could check with our waiter. No luck. Jack was absolutely sure we had left Toby there. He checked all around our table, under the seats, he asked the waitress again if she had seen Toby. He didn't believe her so he began describing Toby in detail to her. I had to tell him Toby was not there and started to head to the door. Jack threw his hands in the air and said "Well, Mommy, Toby is in outer space."
Devlyn found one of my wedding pictures. She liked it so much she bit it. Twice. She bit the top of the frame and the bottom of the frame and left the imprint of her teeth in both locations. It looks like a little baby vampire was trying to get to the two people inside the picture frame.
Devon and I were running errands with the three little ones. I don't know what we were talking about but Jack piped in with "Mommy, you are my butterfly." Just when I was feeling like I had a soft caramel center Wy spoke up "Mommy, you are a cheeky little engine!"
We aren't sure if it was Jack, Devlyn, or Wyatt but one of them nearly burned the house down. I guess if you follow the chain of blame all the way back it leads to me, but how was I to know that one of the children under 4 was going to turn on my new table lamp and then set my synthetic feather duster on top? Abby noticed that something smelled like it was burning. She told Jess. Jess told dad. They followed their noses to my living room - Thank GOD the thing wasn't in flames as that lamp was right next to floor length curtains. I honestly cannot believe that the only things destroyed by this episode were the duster and the actual light bulb in the lamp. OK - the house was stinky all evening, but stinky goes away - I'll take stinky over burnt down house any day.
The big news of the week was our visit from Jude and company! The final proceedings were in Iowa yesterday which is what brought Jude and family through KC for the weekend. We had a lovely time and even had the opportunity to meet Jude's God parents!
(If you want to see more photos of Jude, go over to Linky Dinks on my sidebar, click on My Shutterfly and select March 2010 Jude's visit.)
Devon set up an appointment for us (and by us I mean 19 of us) at a photo studio where we had our pictures done. I was surprised at how quickly the session moved along considering how many kids we have! What I found most interesting though was our photographer. This fella could not stop adjusting anything and everything between his belt and the bottom of his briefs. It was like watching a pitcher communicate to his catcher; scratch, bump, touch, shake a leg, tug, squeeze a cheek...The only time this guy wasn't messing with something personal was when he had both hands on his camera. I stood there mesmerized and shaking with laughter. I was so bad that my sisters asked what was wrong with me - and I was evil enough to share it. Finally we had everyone just watching this guy.
Once I track down the CD with all the photos on it, I will post a few from our session. They came out great.
That does it for me this week, friends. Love and blessings to you all!
Owenland Park
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