My favorite quote

"I just wanted to tell you that your kids are the ONLY reason I will have kids when I'm older..."
Helen. 7/24/09

Words to live by

If it is to be, it is up to me.

Doctor, Doctor!

You will just have to deal without the pictures for a bit - I don't have the converter thingy to get them off the camera and into the computer...

We have been chock-a-block full of Dr. appointments this week. John had a follow up on Monday for his migraines. Jack INSISTED on going with him. Jack was such a good boy that Daddy took him down the street to the US Toy. They played with the Thomas turn table and picked out a new train for Jack.

Later in the day, Jack went back to the same health care complex when he INSISTED on accompanying Jess and I to HER migraine appointment. The Dr. gave her a prescription that we have tried to fill, but the insurance won't cover it without prior authorization. SO, we are waiting for the Dr. to talk to the insurance people. I understand why they aren't jumping right on the wagon to pay for her meds. The 30 pill RX could potentially be a 15 day supply (if she has a migraine every day for 15 days and needs both pills each time) and runs $900.00!!! I am sure there is a reason WHY he picked this med and not another migraine med - but I'm not sure what it is. Now, I have to call both the Dr. and the pharmacy every day to see if anyone is making any progress on anything or if he will prescribe an alternative med that will help her and not bankrupt the insurance company.

Wednesday I went in to have my stitches removed. Absolutely crazy, but I didn't feel anything. If I hadn't been watching, I wouldn't have believed she pulled them out. The Dr. and I are both very pleased with the look and placement of the incision and how it is healing. I wear tape for another week and then use Cocoa butter or Vitamin E oil for up to two months to help the scar.

Thursday I took Connie in to be evaluated for ADHD. After answering a ton of questions and visiting with the Dr., Connie was rated well within the ADHD range. He gave her a prescription. After a bit of debate in the family about whether or not to ask for a different med, we decided to have this RX filled. What do you know - the insurance won't cover it without prior authorization. SO, we are waiting for the Dr. to talk to the insurance people...AGAIN. This means I get to call the Dr. and the pharmacy every day about 2 kids. Just what everyone wants, more things to do each day!!! WA-WHO!!!

On to more normal things:

Jess is spending as much time with her friend Caroline as possible. Dad took Jess to get her state id this week. She will need id to do anything with her checking account etc. when she moves to Omaha. She was so excited about getting her id until she understood that it is just an id and not a driver's permit. Wow - did that burst her bubble! How crazy is it that an ID costs about $22.00 and the driver's permit is only $10.00.

Abby is having a little friend over to stay the night on Friday. This is her first overnighter since the girls came to stay with us in January. I'm very excited for her. I will pick the girls up from day care this afternoon and then I think we will stop by the Blocbuster to pick out a few 'tweener' movies for them to enjoy tonight. I'm thinking they might like some popcorn and sleeping on the sofas downstairs. Gracious, I feel like I'm having a sleep over with a girlfriend and not Abby!

While I'm on vacation the next few weeks, Beth and Devlyn are going to have a "Beth & Devlyn Day" each week. This will be something special for Devlyn and will allow me to do something each with with just the boys. We started this past Wednesday. Devlyn hung out with Beth and her granddaughter Stephanie. The girls had a fun time shopping, eating out and hot tubbing! I gave the boys the choice of going to the park or going to play with the Thomas turn table at the US Toy. Guess which one they picked? Fun times for the boys as there was no one else there to share the turn table with!

As you all know, the kids love U:BUG:ME. They are still asking to listen to the CD and don't understand that I can't take them to see the show again because we closed this past weekend. One of the songs is by the big mean Horsefly, Packo. He sings "My name's Packo, I'm the baddest fly around. If you see me coming your way, you better get your thorax out of town. I am trouble, anyone can see. Even though I'm just a horsefly, I'll sting ya like a bee. Cause I'm bad news!" Jack has taken to saying "Mommy, if you say no to me one more time, I will sting you like a bee." I say "No." and he makes a raspberry noise at me, which is the sting of the bee. I told John about this and he thought it was pretty mean of Jack to say that. I'm still debating it. Jack doesn't say it with any meanness. I'm waiting for Jack to say it to John before we decide anything about it.

Wyatt has taken to saying "Poppy, my favorite!" I guess the rest of us are just left out in the cold. He and Devlyn had fun times the other day just hanging out in the laundry basket. He has taken to telling me (frequently I might add) "Mommy, I'm strong. Mommy, I'm cute!"

We say Grace each night before dinner and I have taken to having Wy start us off; "Wy, what do we say?" and he delivers a mangled but somewhat understandable "Bless us oh, Lord" then the rest of us join in. He spends the rest of Grace with his tongue out like Gene Simmons. John and I are thinking of going out as Kiss for Halloween one year - since Wy has the tongue for it...

Now that we are due for an update in a day and a half - I'm going to wrap this one up and get it posted.
Much love and many blessings,
The gang at Owenland Park.


Anonymous said...

Your Blog is absolutely wonderful, the writting and the stories are a great window from so far away. Thank You!