My favorite quote

"I just wanted to tell you that your kids are the ONLY reason I will have kids when I'm older..."
Helen. 7/24/09

Words to live by

If it is to be, it is up to me.

Another Story from Jack

Yesterday Jack told me he wanted to tell me another story. I said ok and sat down to listen. He said "No, Mommy, at the computer." So off we went to the computer.

One Day on the Island
By Jackson T. Owen

One day on the island, Thomas was looking for machines. Sir Topham Hatt said “Whoah, Tomas, I want you to look for the machines but they might be lost. They might be at the quarry or the beach.” Alfie the new engine found more and more and more machines that were hiding in bushes and curtains and at Tidmouth Sheds. There was a diesel engine, his name was Diesel 10. He was going to get the engines, even Thomas. He said ‘I AM GOING TO GET YOU!!!” Thomas said ‘No you won’t!” Sir Topham Hatt said “WAKE UP ENGINES!” They waked up and said “What? What! WHAT WHAT WHAT???” Sir Topham Hatt said Mr. Mail’s car is broken down. We need new tires!

Victor said "Every engine broken? Ooooohhhhh. I don’t have any tires." Thomas went back to the sheds and told Sir Topham Hatt that Sodor's Sheds didn’t have any tires. Sir Topham Hatt said "WHAT THERES NO TIRES AT THE SODOR STEAMWORKS?" The end.