My favorite quote

"I just wanted to tell you that your kids are the ONLY reason I will have kids when I'm older..."
Helen. 7/24/09

Words to live by

If it is to be, it is up to me.

The Green Store has presents too.

I do all my errands on Mondays; bank, grocery, post office, clean the fridge... a few weeks ago Jack kept asking if we could "go to the green store" for him to get me a present. (The green store is the Walmart grocery.) I was very flattered but not sure there was anything at the Green Store that I wanted as a gift. Just after we walked in Jack had me stop right in the middle of the entryway and promise to close my eyes. I cheated by closing them enough so I could see where he was. He told me I could open my eyes and this is what I saw:

As we neared the checkout I was calculating how much money was in the grocery cart and asked Jack if we could put back the flowers. He was very upset until I pulled out the camera and showed him this picture. I explained that the flowers would die soon but that I would always have this picture of him giving me flowers - so I would ALWAYS have flowers from Jack. He agreed that the picture was better and he liked his silly face too.