My favorite quote

"I just wanted to tell you that your kids are the ONLY reason I will have kids when I'm older..."
Helen. 7/24/09

Words to live by

If it is to be, it is up to me.

Jack's First Reconciliation

Jack made his First Reconciliation last week.

The school he attends is populated by children from two different parishes. These kids do not make their Reconciliation or Communion through the school. They do it through their parish. There are 10 kids total in our parish who made their Reconciliation last week. Five of these students are from Jack's school and unfortunately he is the only boy in the whole bunch. Of course the school parents wanted all the classmates together in a picture. When Jack saw we were funneling him up to a group of girls at the altar he stopped dead in his tracks and refused to be moved. (This boy does much better when he has advance notice so I told him he could skip the picture that night but that he would HAVE to get a picture with his classmates when they made their First Communion.) As I was talking to him I heard a bit of whispering and then these young ladies announced "If you won't come over here Jack then we are coming to you." Without any parental nudging, these ladies just decided they would move the location of the photo shoot right over to Jack. So I say, "Thank you, ladies!"

After the humiliation of beign photographed with ladies he tromped right up to the altar for his solo shot.

 Father with all the kids - see the lone boy trying to kinda, sorta hide back there by Father?

 And some of my favorite homework.