My favorite quote

"I just wanted to tell you that your kids are the ONLY reason I will have kids when I'm older..."
Helen. 7/24/09

Words to live by

If it is to be, it is up to me.

Everybody Doesn't Like Me!

Wy was sent to his room this evening. I told him he could sit on his bed, Jack and I would be up at bedtime (about 30 minutes). I went downstairs to work on the blog and heard Wy begin SOBBING "NOOObody likes me! Everybody hates me!" I nearly shouted that he could eat worms, but I swallowed it. The he hollers "EVERYBODY DOESN'T LIKE ME!"


Marci said...

The other night, Wyatt was playing when I noticed a very distinct odor in the air. I asked the child if he had pooped his pants. He said no.
I asked a second time, because the odor was very distinct. Again, he said, "No."
I walked over to check and found that he had answered incorrectly. So, like a dummy, I said, "Well someone pooped your pants. Who did it?
Wyatt's answer (without even batting his eyes) was, "The Poop Fairy."