My favorite quote

"I just wanted to tell you that your kids are the ONLY reason I will have kids when I'm older..."
Helen. 7/24/09

Words to live by

If it is to be, it is up to me.

My Scouts

John and Jack spent last week at Boy Scout day camp. Each day Jack managed to come home dirtier than the day before. Believe it or not, it was after camp was over that Jack managed to pick up a tic. It took us half an hour to get it out of his head. His doctor says we see a very low rate of tic related disease in Kansas, but we are to keep an eye on the site for the next 6 weeks for a ring or a rash. Until then, the nasty little tic gets to stay in a baggie in my freezer. It makes me sick to my stomach just to think about that nasty little thing let alone think about him sitting there in my freezer - even if he is dead.