My favorite quote

"I just wanted to tell you that your kids are the ONLY reason I will have kids when I'm older..."
Helen. 7/24/09

Words to live by

If it is to be, it is up to me.

Vote, Vote, Vote!


While at the polls early this morning I saw a sign on the door. It said:

Please remember to wear tennis shoes"

My immediate reaction was one of outrage. I checked my voter registration card, it said nothing about wearing tennis shoes. This was a blatant example of voter intimidation and I started to charge down the long line of voters to speak to the election volunteers. As I started my charge I took one more glance at the sign and noticed that the very next line said:

"while playing games in the gymnasium."

Friends, let me tell you how fortunate those election volunteers are: They narrowly escaped a scathing piece of my mind. Just imagine if I had never seen the second portion of that sign...

Friends, let's not waste time on things that did not come to pass. In this time of National Crisis - yes I say it with capital letters, I wanted to take a few moments to remind you what I am fighting for, what you are fighting for, what WE are fighting for:

WE are fighting for the letter "u" in words like favour and colour.
WE are fighting for 30 hour work weeks.
WE are fighting for a daily siesta and light early evening fiestas.
WE are fighting for afternoon tea and crumpets.
WE are fighting for hot breakfast for everyone, not just elementary kids.
WE are fighting for the elimination of calories from pastries and chocolate.
WE are fighting for the rights of Zombies everywhere.

And remember all those times when you looked at your watch and thought "HOLY MOSES! Where did the time go?!" WE are fighting for those hours. I want you to know, that a vote for Amy M. Abels Owen is a vote to find those lost hours. A vote for A.M.A.O. is a vote to give those hours back to the people they rightfully belong to. A vote for A.M.A.O. is a vote for time on your side, time for you to enjoy a few of life's pleasures, time for you to releax, time for you to actually find your missing sox (Yes we are also fighting for the correct spelling to be sox)- if that is how you want to spend your time, and time for you to do whatever it is you do with the time you have.

In conclsuion, don't let the election volunteers intimidate you just because they are all wearing the colour red. You heard me friends, every last one of them wearing the colour red. There were not wearing red, white and blue. They were wearing red - and telling us we can't wear political signs or buttons and yet they all wear red. So go out there in bright colours. That's right, go out there in as many colours as you can manage. Go out there and show them we won't be denied colour choices, we won't be denied selection: We are Americans and we wear what we want.

Now, get out there and VOTE!
I am Amy M. Abels Owen and I approve this message.