My favorite quote

"I just wanted to tell you that your kids are the ONLY reason I will have kids when I'm older..."
Helen. 7/24/09

Words to live by

If it is to be, it is up to me.

Nummer 1

Wy and I were on our way to pick up Devon the other morning. Wy pipes up and says "Mommy - Nummer 1: I want you to bump vat car in front of us. Nummer 2: I want you to break it. Nummer free: I want you to build it back together again." I have no idea where this came from and told him that there was no way I was going to bump, break or repair the car in front of us. He said "I don't wike what you said to me."

OK - I know it is not very imaginative or informative, but I have uploaded a few albums to our shutterfly account, which you can link to here

I put up an album of some of the projects John has been working on recently. You can find that in the latheworks album.

I put up pictures from Jack's last two soccer practices, the game and some brotherly play time post game. You can find that in the soccer practice, soccer game and playtime album. Go figure.

And you can check out the fun the boys had with their cousin Noah at the St. Joe South Side Festival this weekend. Jack calls it the Vestible.

I know, I know - this is all very unimaginative. Like everyone else, I have been up to my eyeballs with work and am hopefully going to have a few weeks where my schedule is a bit more normal. I hope you enjoy the pics if you decide to visit.

Love and more to come,