My favorite quote

"I just wanted to tell you that your kids are the ONLY reason I will have kids when I'm older..."
Helen. 7/24/09

Words to live by

If it is to be, it is up to me.

Family Flag

Jack had to create a Family Flag as part of last week's homework. I was excited to help out thinking we could cut things out of magazines and glue stuff together, but it turns out Jack did this one by himself on the computer.

It is hard to read what Jack wrote about his flag so I will translate:

My flag has the Cub Scouts Wolf badge because I love scouting. I play the plaino. I wish my piano was red. I love to go out in the canoe with my Papa. He lives in Chicago.

For those of you not familiar with what or who in the world the person with the large yellow head is...that is Mario. Obviously Mario is a major part of our family.