My favorite quote

"I just wanted to tell you that your kids are the ONLY reason I will have kids when I'm older..."
Helen. 7/24/09

Words to live by

If it is to be, it is up to me.

It's all fun and games

until I kick Jack in the fingers.

Jack is on spring break this week. We dropped Wy off a the sitters, ran some errands and headed home for a bit before I had to go in for rehearsals. While we were home, Jack asked if we could play soccer in the back yard. I consented to play soccer even though I was wearing high heeled boots.

Things I don't understand about soccer:
1. Every time I scored a goal, I would earn 1 point but Jack would earn 2 points. If Jack scored a goal, he would earn 1 point but I didn't earn any points.
2. My goal kept changing sides. We started the game with my goal on the West fence and Jack's on the East fence. As I would approach MY goal with the ball, Jack would suddenly yell that it was not my goal.
3. I also didn't know it was fair for a player to suddenly throw their whole body on top of the ball to keep their opponent from making a kick at the ball. (This is how I wound up kicking Jack in the fingers - it was an accident as he dropped to the dirt just as I kicked, but I still bashed his fingers pretty good.)