My favorite quote

"I just wanted to tell you that your kids are the ONLY reason I will have kids when I'm older..."
Helen. 7/24/09

Words to live by

If it is to be, it is up to me.

Jack tells a story

We were sitting at dinner last night it was agreed upon that Jack is a good story teller. Connie asked him to tell a story. Very seriously Jack said

"OK everybody, wisten to me. One day, on the Island of Sodor, Thomas and Lady got married...then came trouble."

I don't know what he said after that because I trying hard not to laugh. All I could think about were the marital troubles Thomas and Lady must be having. After I calmed down I realized that Jack was still telling his story...

"And ven, two years later, came more trouble..." which set me off again. Jack loved the attention and he must have loved the fact that the adults were giggling non-stop because he told the longest most troublesome story I have ever heard. Poor Thomas and Lady were plaqued by Diesel 10, incidents and accidents. At some point during dinner the adults started talking which prompted a sharp response from Jack...

"I am still talking!"

Love and blessings
Owenland Park