My favorite quote

"I just wanted to tell you that your kids are the ONLY reason I will have kids when I'm older..."
Helen. 7/24/09

Words to live by

If it is to be, it is up to me.


We moved Wyatt into big boy underwear full time this week. I would rather lick a razor blade than deal with poop on clothing or plastic panties with pee on them, but this is a way to cut some financial corners, so I'm going to do it for my family...Insert sad and disgusted face here.

Jack had his 5 year check up this week. He is exactly where he should be in regards to height, weight, development etc. Once the Dr. came into the exam room, he started asking Jack questions;
Dr. Rosenberg: What is a house for?
Wyatt: People.
Everybody laughed.
Dr. Rosenberg: Jack, what is a window made of?
Wyatt: Glass!
Everybody laughed.
Dr. Rosenberg: Now this question is for JACK. Jack, what do you do with a hammer?
Wyatt took a breath to answer and I popped my hand over his mouth. Jack couldn't answer the question as he was too busy giggling about my method of silencing his brother.

Getting the girls out the door on school days has led to battle after battle. The girls are constantly trying to wear socks that are not in line with dress code. Or they don't have their homework signed or a plethora of other problems creep up at the last minute when we were trying to get out the door and not be late. We adults have magically turned that problem into a NON-problem. We sat the girls down and told them they would not get to eat breakfast until they were completely dressed and ready for school. Meaning their hair has to be brushed. They have to be dressed according to uniform guidelines, their homework has to be signed and in their backpack, the back pack must be by the door and ready to go. I couldn't believe it, but the very next morning, the girls were ready. And I mean ready. No fights. No sneaky sock attacks. No children running out to the car barefoot because we don't have time for them to sit down and put on shoes in the house...It was like magic!!1

Abby was sent to her room one night for a few reasons, one of which was being rude to her mama. She spent some time up there being upset then sent a note down to her mom:

"Dear Mom,
I'm sorry I was rude to you. I hope you forgive me. I mean it...I mean it about rudeness of me to you. I learned it from Jessica. Thank you for understanding if you do. Love Abby."

This note made me laugh. I started picturing myself writing a note like this to my boss.

Without realizing it, the boys have declared themselves superheroes. One of them will run up to me and tell me "I'm SUPER-FAST! Watch me!" Then he will run in circles. The other one will run up to me and proudly declare "I'm SUPER-SLOW-FAST!" as if he just threw down the trump card. Then he will run in crazy circles. Superman better watch out!

The other morning my mom said to Wyatt "I'm going to eat you up!" Without missing a beat Wy replied "Gammy, a boy is not an apple."

That does it for me friends,
Love and blessings
Amy & the gang!