My favorite quote

"I just wanted to tell you that your kids are the ONLY reason I will have kids when I'm older..."
Helen. 7/24/09

Words to live by

If it is to be, it is up to me.

I'm really useful! I'm really useful!

Jack spent a day with me at the theatre last week. When we arrived, I had him help me boot up lights and sound and run my dimmer checks etc. We have a sound cue of a fart in the show and this is the one I use each morning for my sound check. I know it is odd, but it makes me giggle every morning. I let Jack run the sound cue and his eyes lit up when he heard that loud noise. He begged me to do it again and so, while I set up my performance for the day, he stood there running the cue over and over and over and over - laughing hysterically.
He was a little bored while waiting for the show to start (and I wouldn't let him lay claim to my computer) so he drew a picture of me. I love that my big blue head has a great big smile.

He went into the booth with me for the 11:00 show and I spent the whole time keeping his hands off the sound board. He kept asking me if he could make the theatre fart...

He has recently discovered Leggo Train Crashes on youtube. He can be heard from across the room muttering things like "OOOH - that's so FAST!" and "OW - that's gotta hurt!"

School is fast approaching. Jack and I are nearly done picking up all of his school supplies. I bought him a Lightning McQueen back pack and he flipped out when I brought it home. He slapped his hand to his head and kept saying "I have a NEW backpack! I have a a new LIGHTNING MCQUEEN backpack. Fank you, Mommy! Fank you!"

I was getting out of the car yesterday and the seatbelt unfurled really fast and hit me in the wrist. I said "OW!" Wyatt said "Oh, Mommy, I will get you a baind-aid tomorrow for vat."

We are back to bribing Wyatt with chocolate to use the potty chair. He insists he doesn't have to go until I offer him a piece of chocolate and what do you know, he magically has to go...I missed my window of opportunity yesterday and wound up having to clean/change a nasty pull up. In the middle of the clean up process Wy looked at me and said "Mommy, You are a really useful mommy." I think this was supposed to be a great compliment as all of the Thomas trains are always striving to be useful engines...

Love and blessings,
Owenland Park