My favorite quote

"I just wanted to tell you that your kids are the ONLY reason I will have kids when I'm older..."
Helen. 7/24/09

Words to live by

If it is to be, it is up to me.

I'm gonna get you!

I was getting dressed this morning when Wy came in and asked if he could sleep with me. I told him I was getting dressed but he could lay down in my bed. He said "Oh." and his little head dropped. He looked so sad that I scooped him up and said we could spend a few minutes cuddling. He gave me such a ferocious little hug - wow, it really made my day. We laid down and pulled up the covers, then John laid down to give us a hug, then Jack came in and asked if he could lay down with us too. So there we were having a big family cuddle when Jack kneeled up, said "Wyatt, I'm gonna get you." He leaned over and gave Wy a big long lick across the face. I'm telling you, it was like throwing the gauntlet. Wy was desperate to get Jack. Jack wanted to get me. Wy wanted to get John. The boys were calling "I'm gonna get you!" "I gotted you!" "No! Don't get me!" "Jack gotted me!!!"

I must admit I am the one who started the whole licking thing. I sometimes randomly lean in for a kiss and give a lick upside the head. It has become, I think, one of our family 'things'.

When I was a kid - I don't even remember how it started - we (Mom, Dad, my sisters)would hold hands and give 3 squeezes. The squeezes mean "I love you." We would do this in church or just whenever we wanted to send a silent message. I have passed this on to my menfolk but for our family it has grown to be 3 of anything means I love you; wink three times, blink three times, tap three times, the options are endless. It always makes me quietly happy when John or my sisters or my folks give my hand those three little squeezes, but when the boys do it, it really sends me over the edge of the happy hill.

K - done being mushy.
Love and blessigns!